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Author webmaven
Recipients cjw296, gotgenes, mejo, webmaven
Date 2014-09-09.12:26:47
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
The lack of a left-append option for site.addsitedir(path), or an site.insertsitedir(index, path) (which is what I would consider a better solution), causes quite a few contortions on some hosted platforms, notably Google App Engine, for vendored packages.

I've been trying to find a more elegant solution than the following code, but haven't been able to find anything:

import os
import site
import sys

dirname = 'lib'
dirpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), dirname)

sys.path, remainder = sys.path[:1], sys.path[1:]

And even asked on StackOverflow:

Having a site.insertsitedir(index, path) available would make things so much simpler.
Date User Action Args
2014-09-09 12:26:48webmavensetrecipients: + webmaven, gotgenes, cjw296, mejo
2014-09-09 12:26:48webmavensetmessageid: <>
2014-09-09 12:26:48webmavenlinkissue7744 messages
2014-09-09 12:26:47webmavencreate