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Author xdegaye
Recipients xdegaye
Date 2014-08-04.20:44:21
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Pdb sets a handler for the SIGINT signal (which is sent when the user presses Ctrl-C on the console) when you give a continue command.
'continue' is not the only pdb command that may be interrupted, all the commands that resume the execution of the program (i.e. the 'do_xxx' Pdb methods that return 1), except for the ones that terminate pdb, should also set the SIGINT signal handler. These are the 'step', 'next', 'until' and 'return' commands.
For example, a 'next' command issued at the invocation of a function when the function is doing a long processing and the user wishes to break into pdb again with Ctrl-C within this function.

It is probably better to fix this issue after issue 20766 is fixed.
Date User Action Args
2014-08-04 20:44:21xdegayesetrecipients: + xdegaye
2014-08-04 20:44:21xdegayesetmessageid: <>
2014-08-04 20:44:21xdegayelinkissue22135 messages
2014-08-04 20:44:21xdegayecreate