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Author Lita.Cho
Recipients Lita.Cho, jesstess, ned.deily, terry.reedy
Date 2014-07-06.07:03:49
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Hey Terry,

So the reason why the tearing is a lot slower in 06/09 patch is because the canvas is using the turtle.ScrolledCanvas widget. Everytime the window resizes, it is calling a callback to `onResize` -> `adjustScrolls` to update the scrollbars. When I comment out that binding in (line 358) it still tears, but it snaps back a lot quicker.

The main widget is already a 2x2 grid (ScrolledCanvas). I tried just returning the ScrolledCanvas, but that didn't work either.

I will try to ask in stackoverflow tomorrow and seeing what they say!
Date User Action Args
2014-07-06 07:03:50Lita.Chosetrecipients: + Lita.Cho, terry.reedy, ned.deily, jesstess
2014-07-06 07:03:50Lita.Chosetmessageid: <>
2014-07-06 07:03:50Lita.Cholinkissue21597 messages
2014-07-06 07:03:49Lita.Chocreate