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Author luiz.poleto
Recipients Anthony.Kong, Fotis.Koutoulakis, eric.snow, luiz.poleto, ncoghlan
Date 2014-04-21.02:18:07
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
The attached patch provide test cases to validate this error. As noted by R. David Murray in a discussion in the Core-Mentorship list, this error in fact happens then throws an ImportError.
Date User Action Args
2014-04-21 02:18:08luiz.poletosetrecipients: + luiz.poleto, ncoghlan, eric.snow, Anthony.Kong, Fotis.Koutoulakis
2014-04-21 02:18:08luiz.poletosetmessageid: <>
2014-04-21 02:18:08luiz.poletolinkissue19771 messages
2014-04-21 02:18:08luiz.poletocreate