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Author Victor.Lazzarini
Recipients Victor.Lazzarini, loewis
Date 2014-03-14.18:30:50
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I don't know how to patch the installer, but here are the commands for someone who does. You need gendef and dlltool, which should come with the standard mingw64 installation.
From python27.dll:

$ gendef python27.dll
$ dlltool --as-flags=--64 -m i386:x86-64 -k --output-lib libpython27.a --input-def python27.def
Date User Action Args
2014-03-14 18:30:50Victor.Lazzarinisetrecipients: + Victor.Lazzarini, loewis
2014-03-14 18:30:50Victor.Lazzarinisetmessageid: <>
2014-03-14 18:30:50Victor.Lazzarinilinkissue20785 messages
2014-03-14 18:30:50Victor.Lazzarinicreate