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Author TomBrander
Recipients TomBrander
Date 2014-02-22.02:57:21
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Trying to build a Win 32 version using VS express on Win 7 (since it cannot do x64) Rev 89320 tried to build python 3.4 from source using VS 2010 express no dice.  It complains about solutions folder that is not supported in VS 2010 express. While this is noted in the read me, I still cannot build whether by GUI or via the build.bat file (I removed the reference to the solutions folder reference) to get it to run at all via the command prompt. Friend next door using full VS 2010 seems ok..
Date User Action Args
2014-02-22 02:57:33TomBrandersetrecipients: + TomBrander
2014-02-22 02:57:31TomBrandersetmessageid: <>
2014-02-22 02:57:30TomBranderlinkissue20725 messages
2014-02-22 02:57:29TomBrandercreate