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Author aisaac
Recipients aisaac, docs@python
Date 2014-02-03.05:09:46
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Section 4.6 of the tutorial introduces function definition:

The first example defines a function that *prints* a Fibonacci series.

A basic mistake made by students new to programming is to use a function to print values rather than to return them.  In this sense, the example encourages bad practice and misses an opportunity to instruct.  Since they have already met lists in Section 3, I suggest that returning a list of the values and then printing the list would enhance the tutorial.
Date User Action Args
2014-02-03 05:09:47aisaacsetrecipients: + aisaac, docs@python
2014-02-03 05:09:47aisaacsetmessageid: <>
2014-02-03 05:09:47aisaaclinkissue20496 messages
2014-02-03 05:09:46aisaaccreate