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Author vstinner
Recipients Arfrever, christian.heimes, ncoghlan, neologix, pitrou, python-dev, serhiy.storchaka, vstinner
Date 2013-11-20.11:48:33
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Not only test_gdb relies on repr() exact value, there is also test_functools:

FAIL: test_repr (test.test_functools.TestPartialC)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/export/home/buildbot/64bits/3.x.cea-indiana-amd64/build/Lib/test/", line 174, in test_repr
AssertionError: 'func[51 chars]88>, b=<object object at 0xffffdd7fff790440>, [36 chars]00>)' != 'func[51 chars]88>, a=<object object at 0xffffdd7fff790400>, [36 chars]40>)'
- functools.partial(<function capture at 0xffffdd7ffe64d788>, b=<object object at 0xffffdd7fff790440>, a=<object object at 0xffffdd7fff790400>)
+ functools.partial(<function capture at 0xffffdd7ffe64d788>, a=<object object at 0xffffdd7fff790400>, b=<object object at 0xffffdd7fff790440>)

FAIL: test_repr (test.test_functools.TestPartialCSubclass)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/export/home/buildbot/64bits/3.x.cea-indiana-amd64/build/Lib/test/", line 174, in test_repr
AssertionError: 'Part[49 chars]88>, b=<object object at 0xffffdd7fff790540>, [36 chars]00>)' != 'Part[49 chars]88>, a=<object object at 0xffffdd7fff790500>, [36 chars]40>)'
- PartialSubclass(<function capture at 0xffffdd7ffe64d788>, b=<object object at 0xffffdd7fff790540>, a=<object object at 0xffffdd7fff790500>)
+ PartialSubclass(<function capture at 0xffffdd7ffe64d788>, a=<object object at 0xffffdd7fff790500>, b=<object object at 0xffffdd7fff790540>)
Date User Action Args
2013-11-20 11:48:33vstinnersetrecipients: + vstinner, ncoghlan, pitrou, christian.heimes, Arfrever, neologix, python-dev, serhiy.storchaka
2013-11-20 11:48:33vstinnersetmessageid: <>
2013-11-20 11:48:33vstinnerlinkissue19183 messages
2013-11-20 11:48:33vstinnercreate