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Author neologix
Recipients christian.heimes, neologix, pitrou, r.david.murray
Date 2013-10-29.21:55:12
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
> Also, unless people haven't been reporting other errors, these buildbots have been stable up until recently

Well, the fact that several tests - which were working just fine -
started failing randomly recently (like test_concurrent_futures,
test_subprocess) is a strong hint that the culprit is the buildbot (I
mean, the test_selectors failure just calls epoll_wait(): there is a
known overflow for epoll_wait() timeout, but for large timeout values,
not 2s).

This wouldn't be the first time I see clock issues on a virtual machine...
Date User Action Args
2013-10-29 21:55:12neologixsetrecipients: + neologix, pitrou, christian.heimes, r.david.murray
2013-10-29 21:55:12neologixlinkissue19386 messages
2013-10-29 21:55:12neologixcreate