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Author skrah
Recipients BreamoreBoy, eric.smith, loewis, mark.dickinson, mcepl, skrah, vstinner
Date 2013-10-22.15:28:43
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
Victor, thanks for the comments.  I also think we should set LC_CTYPE closer
to the actual call to mbstowcs(), otherwise there are many API calls in

So it should happen somewhere in PyUnicode_DecodeLocaleAndSize(). Perhaps
we can create _PyUnicode_DecodeLocaleAndSize() which would take an LC_CTYPE
Date User Action Args
2013-10-22 15:28:43skrahsetrecipients: + skrah, loewis, mark.dickinson, vstinner, eric.smith, mcepl, BreamoreBoy
2013-10-22 15:28:43skrahlinkissue7442 messages
2013-10-22 15:28:43skrahcreate