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Author giampaolo.rodola
Recipients christian.heimes, felipecruz, giampaolo.rodola, gvanrossum, meador.inge, neologix, pitrou, rosslagerwall, sbt, vstinner
Date 2013-08-30.21:04:13
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I'm playing with devpoll on Open Solaris and it seems it works exactly as poll(). Basically a copy & paste of PollSelector class with a different self._poll attribute will suffice.
With dev/poll support you now have 3 classes (PollSelector, EpollSelector, DevpollSelector) which look basically the same except for very little details. It looks like there's space for some code reuse / refactoring.
Date User Action Args
2013-08-30 21:04:13giampaolo.rodolasetrecipients: + giampaolo.rodola, gvanrossum, pitrou, vstinner, christian.heimes, meador.inge, neologix, rosslagerwall, sbt, felipecruz
2013-08-30 21:04:13giampaolo.rodolasetmessageid: <>
2013-08-30 21:04:13giampaolo.rodolalinkissue16853 messages
2013-08-30 21:04:13giampaolo.rodolacreate