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Author Claudiu.Popa
Recipients Claudiu.Popa
Date 2013-04-22.19:37:33
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>

Given the fact that issue 17487 was accepted, I think that is a good idea for aifc.Aifc_read/Aifc_write.getparams to return a namedtuple as well, so that both modules will behave consistently with each other. 
I've attached a patch for this. 
Thanks in advance!
Date User Action Args
2013-04-22 19:37:34Claudiu.Popasetrecipients: + Claudiu.Popa
2013-04-22 19:37:34Claudiu.Popasetmessageid: <>
2013-04-22 19:37:34Claudiu.Popalinkissue17818 messages
2013-04-22 19:37:34Claudiu.Popacreate