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Author bkabrda
Recipients bkabrda
Date 2013-04-09.13:51:48
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
When compiling Python 3.3.1, I noticed that some variables like LDFLAGS or CFLAGS in sysconfig have some flags multiple times. (Which BTW breaks distutils.tests.{test_sysconfig_compiler_vars,test_sysconfig_module}) This is caused by interpretation of Makefile in sysconfig._parse_makefile(), which seems to evaluate the variables in Makefile - but some variables in Makefile are formed by expanding env variables multiple times, e.g.:
so when doing the build from scratch with configure & make, PY_LDFLAGS gets the content of LDFLAGS twice  (as far as I remember autotools...), CFLAGS gets expanded like 5 times at least.
I think that this is not the correct behaviour, but not sure, maybe I'm doing something wrong.

Date User Action Args
2013-04-09 13:51:48bkabrdasetrecipients: + bkabrda
2013-04-09 13:51:48bkabrdasetmessageid: <>
2013-04-09 13:51:48bkabrdalinkissue17679 messages
2013-04-09 13:51:48bkabrdacreate