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Author terry.reedy
Recipients BreamoreBoy, Nashev, gpolo, kbk, rhettinger, roger.serwy, taleinat, terry.reedy
Date 2013-04-04.06:23:29
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Notepad++ has 'Reload from disk' right after New and Open, and I like that explicit wording. 'Revert' is a bit esoteric for beginners. (And I do not see that on the menu now.)

Kurt's argument applies to Notepad++ also -- one could close the file and reload from the recent files list, but there it is. There is a subtle psychological factor: reloading may mean 'I messed up and want to start over'. In that state, a simple direct reload is tension defuser.

Quite separately, Notepad++ check file modification times when it gets the focus and if the disk copy is newer, it pops up a box saying so and asking if one wants to reload. (Or perhaps it check for OS notifications at this time.) This is the feature directed at catching reverts and merges.
Date User Action Args
2013-04-04 06:23:29terry.reedysetrecipients: + terry.reedy, rhettinger, kbk, taleinat, Nashev, gpolo, roger.serwy, BreamoreBoy
2013-04-04 06:23:29terry.reedysetmessageid: <>
2013-04-04 06:23:29terry.reedylinkissue1721083 messages
2013-04-04 06:23:29terry.reedycreate