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Author neologix
Recipients Albert.Zeyer, neologix, pitrou, r.david.murray
Date 2013-02-26.06:57:32
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
> Note that in threadmodule.c, in local_clear, we are iterating through all threads:
> In PyDict_DelItem, if the GIL is released and meanwhile, the list of threadstates is altered, is that a problem for this loop? So maybe tstate becomes invalid there.

If PyDict_DelItem() releases the GIL and tstate is deleted,
PyThreadState_Next(tstate) is undefined behavior (it accesses

Changing your reproducer to create/wait for termination of threads in
a loop in a background thread.
Date User Action Args
2013-02-26 06:57:33neologixsetrecipients: + neologix, pitrou, r.david.murray, Albert.Zeyer
2013-02-26 06:57:32neologixlinkissue17263 messages
2013-02-26 06:57:32neologixcreate