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Recipients AndyP,, flub, legerf, rpetrov, skip.montanaro, tlesher
Date 2013-02-08.16:04:33
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
This is still an issue in Python 2.7.3 but there is a quick manual workaround. I know it's trivial and one can easily develop it from what is said in the thread or maybe looking at the patches, but for reference this is a nice recipe as oppose to digging through many messages

1) build as usual, but redirect the output/error stream in a file, for example if your shell is bash (I find this to always be a good idea):

make > make.log 2>&1

2) Towards the end of make.log there will be the following message. If you don't see this message, you don't have this problem, but possibly a different one:

Failed to build these modules:

3) execute
grep "\-o .*/dbmmodule.o" make.log

This will find a compiler line. Cut, paste and and execute that command

4) grep "\-o .*/" make.log

This will find another compiler line. Cut, paste and and execute that command, ADDING (this is essential) -lgdbm_compat

5) (optional) you may want to remove (in the same directory where the previous bullet creates
Date User Action Args
2013-02-08 16:04:34ddvento@ucar.edusetrecipients: +, skip.montanaro, flub, tlesher, rpetrov, legerf, AndyP
2013-02-08 16:04:34ddvento@ucar.edusetmessageid: <>
2013-02-08 16:04:34ddvento@ucar.edulinkissue4483 messages
2013-02-08 16:04:33ddvento@ucar.educreate