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Author kemokid
Date 2003-08-23.10:01:50
SpamBayes Score
Marked as misclassified
The description for handle_comment() says:

     The comment argument is a string containing the
text between the "<!-" and "->" delimiters, but not the
delimiters themselves. For example, the comment
"<!-text->" will cause this method to be called with
the argument 'text'.

This is incorrect - the comment delimiters are "<!--"
and "-->" (two hyphens, not just one). Purusing the
code, it appears that the module itself behaves
correctly, so this is only a very minor documentation
bug, but to a HTML newbie, it could be an incredibly
frustrating one.

This was seen on 2003/8/23 at

And a big thank you to all Pythonic volunteers!
Date User Action Args
2007-08-23 14:16:19adminlinkissue793702 messages
2007-08-23 14:16:19admincreate