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Author akuchling
Recipients Brian.Bossé, akuchling, kristjan.jonsson, nick.caruso, rhettinger
Date 2012-11-04.00:53:25
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I looked at this a bit and made a revised version of the patch that doesn't add any line continuations when the token is ENDMARKER.  It works on the example program and a few variations I tried, though I'm not convinced that it'll work for all possible permutations of line continuations, whitespace, and ENDMARKER.  (I couldn't find one that failed, though.)

Is this worth pursuing?  I could put together the necessary test cases.
Date User Action Args
2012-11-04 00:53:26akuchlingsetrecipients: + akuchling, rhettinger, kristjan.jonsson, nick.caruso, Brian.Bossé
2012-11-04 00:53:26akuchlingsetmessageid: <>
2012-11-04 00:53:26akuchlinglinkissue9974 messages
2012-11-04 00:53:25akuchlingcreate