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Author loewis
Recipients Jon.Oberheide, alex, christian.heimes, fijall, georg.brandl, hynek, loewis, ncoghlan, petri.lehtinen, pitrou, python-dev, serhiy.storchaka
Date 2012-06-23.20:42:35
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <1340312987.2703.25.camel@raxxla>
>>> About code. Instead (PyBytes_CheckExact(a) && PyBytes_CheckExact(b)) you
>>> should use ((PyBytes_CheckExact(a) != 0) & (PyBytes_CheckExact(b) !=
>>> 0)).
>> What's the difference? They are the same.
> Laziness. If "a" (a secret key) is not bytes then PyBytes_CheckExact(b)
> ("b" is a user input) is not called. It exposes secret key type. I'm not
> sure if it is real secret however.

I see; I missed that your version was using &. In any case, I don't
think this is a threat: you couldn't use it to get the secret key
Date User Action Args
2012-06-23 20:42:39loewissetrecipients: + loewis, georg.brandl, ncoghlan, pitrou, christian.heimes, alex, fijall, python-dev, petri.lehtinen, hynek, serhiy.storchaka, Jon.Oberheide
2012-06-23 20:42:36loewislinkissue15061 messages
2012-06-23 20:42:35loewiscreate