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Author Fan.Li
Recipients Fan.Li
Date 2012-05-30.06:43:21
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
first, i'm sorry about my english.

when i test the HTTPServer lib local, it's fast. but when i run the test script on another PC, i found it very slow, response for a request cost about 4s.

then, i walk into the source about HTTPServer and found an function which just print some infomation about the request like this: - 'GET /path/' 200

i cost 4s long!! just because it call a function name getfqdn(), it's very slow to do this.

then i overwrite the BaseHttpRequest.log_message, problem solved.

may be you can remove the function getfqdn() ?
Date User Action Args
2012-05-30 06:43:22Fan.Lisetrecipients: + Fan.Li
2012-05-30 06:43:22Fan.Lisetmessageid: <>
2012-05-30 06:43:22Fan.Lilinkissue14960 messages
2012-05-30 06:43:21Fan.Licreate