Hobs, why is exit code 4 of xdg-open (which the manpage describes as the extremely generic "The action failed.") interpreted as FileNotFoundError in your new version? |
Date |
User |
Action |
Args |
2012-04-23 17:58:18 | cvrebert | set | recipients:
+ cvrebert, pitrou, vstinner, giampaolo.rodola, benjamin.peterson, eric.araujo, ganadist, Arfrever, r.david.murray, rosslagerwall, smarnach, Roman.Evstifeev, Hobson.Lane |
2012-04-23 17:58:18 | cvrebert | set | messageid: <> |
2012-04-23 17:58:17 | cvrebert | link | issue3177 messages |
2012-04-23 17:58:17 | cvrebert | create | |