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Author nadeem.vawda
Recipients Laurent.Gautier, loewis, nadeem.vawda
Date 2012-03-24.17:33:46
SpamBayes Score 2.6697026e-06
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
I have been able to reproduce it; see attached script. It happens for
inputs of 2GB (decompressed), but not for ones of 1GB.

It seems that bz2module.c doesn't guard against 32-bit overflows when
handling the size of the decompressed data. This affects both the
BZ2Decompressor object's decompress() method, and the module-level
decompress() function. All python versions prior to 3.3 are affected.
Date User Action Args
2012-03-24 17:33:47nadeem.vawdasetrecipients: + nadeem.vawda, loewis, Laurent.Gautier
2012-03-24 17:33:47nadeem.vawdasetmessageid: <>
2012-03-24 17:33:46nadeem.vawdalinkissue14398 messages
2012-03-24 17:33:46nadeem.vawdacreate