Either we are really paranoid (I know that I am *g*) or Perl's and Ruby's randomized hashing function suffer from the issues we are worried about. They don't compensate for hash(''), hash(n * '\0') or hash(shortstring).
Perl 5.12.4 hv.h:
#define PERL_HASH(hash,str,len) \
register const char * const s_PeRlHaSh_tmp = str; \
register const unsigned char *s_PeRlHaSh = (const unsigned char *)s_PeRlHaSh_tmp; \
register I32 i_PeRlHaSh = len; \
register U32 hash_PeRlHaSh = PERL_HASH_SEED; \
while (i_PeRlHaSh--) { \
hash_PeRlHaSh += *s_PeRlHaSh++; \
hash_PeRlHaSh += (hash_PeRlHaSh << 10); \
hash_PeRlHaSh ^= (hash_PeRlHaSh >> 6); \
} \
hash_PeRlHaSh += (hash_PeRlHaSh << 3); \
hash_PeRlHaSh ^= (hash_PeRlHaSh >> 11); \
(hash) = (hash_PeRlHaSh + (hash_PeRlHaSh << 15)); \
Ruby 1.8.7-p357 st.c:strhash()
#define CHAR_BIT 8
hash_seed = rb_genrand_int32() # Mersenne Twister
register unsigned long val = hash_seed;
while ((c = *string++) != '\0') {
val = val*997 + c;
val = (val << 13) | (val >> (sizeof(st_data_t) * CHAR_BIT - 13));
return val + (val>>5);
I wasn't able to find Java's fix quickly. Anybody else? |
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2012-01-06 01:44:18 | christian.heimes | set | recipients:
+ christian.heimes, lemburg, gvanrossum, barry, georg.brandl, terry.reedy, jcea, pitrou, vstinner, benjamin.peterson, eric.araujo, Arfrever, v+python, alex, dmalcolm, Mark.Shannon, Zhiping.Deng, Huzaifa.Sidhpurwala, PaulMcMillan |
2012-01-06 01:44:18 | christian.heimes | set | messageid: <> |
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2012-01-06 01:44:16 | christian.heimes | create | |