Yet another random hash function, simplified version of Paul's function. It always use exactly 256 bits of entropy and so 32 bytes of memory, and doesn't keep the loop. I don't expect my function to be secure, but just give more work to the attacker to compute the data for an attack against our dict implementation.
import os, array, struct
sizeof_long = struct.calcsize("l")
r_bits = 256
r_len = r_bits // (sizeof_long * 8)
r_mask = r_len - 1
r = array.array('l', os.urandom(r_len * sizeof_long))
def randomhash(s):
length = len(s)
if length == 0:
return -2
x = ord(s[0])
x ^= r[x & r_mask]
x <<= 7
for ch in s:
x = intmask(1000003 * x)
x ^= ord(ch)
x ^= length
x ^= r[x & r_mask]
return intmask(x)
The first "x ^= r[x & r_mask]" may be replaced by "x ^= r[(x ^ length) & r_mask]".
The binary shift is done after the first xor with r, because 2**7 and r_len are not coprime (r_len is a multipler of 2**7), and so (ord(s[0] << 7) & r_mask is always zero.
randomhash(s)==hash(s) if we used twice the same index in the r array. I don't know if this case gives useful information. |
Date |
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Action |
Args |
2012-01-04 05:10:00 | vstinner | set | recipients:
+ vstinner, gvanrossum, barry, georg.brandl, terry.reedy, jcea, pitrou, christian.heimes, benjamin.peterson, Arfrever, alex, dmalcolm, Zhiping.Deng, PaulMcMillan |
2012-01-04 05:09:59 | vstinner | set | messageid: <> |
2012-01-04 05:09:59 | vstinner | link | issue13703 messages |
2012-01-04 05:09:58 | vstinner | create | |