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Author naif
Recipients naif
Date 2011-12-19.10:44:02
SpamBayes Score 0.006774416
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
The list of Ciphers for Python SSL binding for OpenSSL cannot be ordered in a specific list of preference.

This is a requirement for strict security environment where the ordered cipher list it's very important.

Apache support the ordering of ciphers trough the configuration of SSLHonorCipherOrder:

Also Internet Explorer 7 support Ciphers order configuration:

Not having the ordered cipher list doesn't allow Python SSL stack configuration to be compliant with high security environment, de-facto representing a security vulnerability.

We suggest to fix the issue of lacking that feature.
Date User Action Args
2011-12-19 10:44:03naifsetrecipients: + naif
2011-12-19 10:44:03naifsetmessageid: <>
2011-12-19 10:44:02naiflinkissue13635 messages
2011-12-19 10:44:02naifcreate