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Author jaraco
Recipients benjamin.peterson, docs@python, jaraco
Date 2011-08-01.22:04:02
SpamBayes Score 0.0014668868
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
I've created a patch to address (1) and (2).

Is there any value in also including this in the 2to3 fixer? I can see that it's a simple translation, but adds complexity to the converted code. I'd be content to go with just a documentation patch. I'll defer to Benjamin or his delegate on whether or not to update 2to3.
Date User Action Args
2011-08-01 22:04:03jaracosetrecipients: + jaraco, benjamin.peterson, docs@python
2011-08-01 22:04:03jaracosetmessageid: <>
2011-08-01 22:04:02jaracolinkissue12666 messages
2011-08-01 22:04:02jaracocreate