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Author higery
Recipients alexis, ceder, eric.araujo, fdrake, higery, mhammond, tarek, tim.golden, vinay.sajip
Date 2011-07-23.12:17:02
SpamBayes Score 0.0047006207
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
>>An octal literal in 3.x is 0o755.  Decimal 755 means 0o1363, which is not good :)

Thank you for your reminding. The reason I made this mistake is that I'm not familiar with the right way to set permission code in Python3+ .
Date User Action Args
2011-07-23 12:17:03higerysetrecipients: + higery, mhammond, fdrake, vinay.sajip, ceder, tim.golden, tarek, eric.araujo, alexis
2011-07-23 12:17:03higerysetmessageid: <>
2011-07-23 12:17:02higerylinkissue12394 messages
2011-07-23 12:17:02higerycreate