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Author r.david.murray
Recipients docs@python, ezio.melotti, georg.brandl, pitrou, python-dev, r.david.murray, sandro.tosi
Date 2011-06-26.03:42:30
SpamBayes Score 0.00042436534
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
In another issue Georg came up with the idea of creating an availability directive that would auto link to the appropriate text.  This would then apply to all our different availability types.
Date User Action Args
2011-06-26 03:42:31r.david.murraysetrecipients: + r.david.murray, georg.brandl, pitrou, ezio.melotti, sandro.tosi, docs@python, python-dev
2011-06-26 03:42:31r.david.murraysetmessageid: <>
2011-06-26 03:42:30r.david.murraylinkissue11233 messages
2011-06-26 03:42:30r.david.murraycreate