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Author vinay.sajip
Recipients alexis, ceder, eric.araujo, fdrake, higery, mhammond, tarek, tim.golden, vinay.sajip
Date 2011-06-25.21:55:10
SpamBayes Score 5.2762033e-07
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <1309038911.2.0.0172513234671.issue12394@psf.upfronthosting.co.za>
> If the code is compatible with 2.6+ only, the ā€œ2.5ā€ Trove classifier should not be used.  (Maybe Iā€™m misunderstanding your point.)

I was referring to your comment about the X in X.Y.Z. We also need to bear in mind that you sometimes just get trove classifiers ending in ":: Python :: 2", with no more specific version information. (Of course, there can be a check for this, with perhaps an installation-time warning.)
Date User Action Args
2011-06-25 21:55:11vinay.sajipsetrecipients: + vinay.sajip, mhammond, fdrake, ceder, tim.golden, tarek, eric.araujo, alexis, higery
2011-06-25 21:55:11vinay.sajipsetmessageid: <1309038911.2.0.0172513234671.issue12394@psf.upfronthosting.co.za>
2011-06-25 21:55:10vinay.sajiplinkissue12394 messages
2011-06-25 21:55:10vinay.sajipcreate