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Author higery
Recipients alexis, eric.araujo, higery
Date 2011-06-08.14:51:34
SpamBayes Score 4.384865e-06
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Now, the workaround of my code is just setting the 'distinfo-dir' option with os.curdir value through calling a 'reinitialize_command(self, command, reinit_subcommands=False, **kw)' function , which is added in packaging's Command class for my own purpose, but I think it should be taken as a standard function in Command - it's useful and setuptools' Command class does have this function.
Date User Action Args
2011-06-08 14:51:34higerysetrecipients: + higery, eric.araujo, alexis
2011-06-08 14:51:34higerysetmessageid: <>
2011-06-08 14:51:34higerylinkissue12279 messages
2011-06-08 14:51:34higerycreate