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Author Abraham.Soedjito
Recipients Abraham.Soedjito, theller
Date 2011-04-12.15:39:25
SpamBayes Score 0.00016606275
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
void __cdecl foo(unsigned __int32 a,
                 unsigned __int32 b,
                 unsigned __int32 c,
                 unsigned __int32 d,
                 unsigned __int32 e,
                 unsigned __int32 f,
                 unsigned __int32 g);

struct myStruct
   unsigned __int32 a;
   unsigned __int32 b;
   unsigned __int32 c;
   unsigned __int32 d;
   unsigned __int32 e;
   unsigned __int32 f;
   unsigned __int32 g;
void __cdecl bar(myStruct s);

void __cdecl errorPassingParameter(myStruct s1,
                                   myStruct s2,
                                   unsigned __int32 x);    

Calling foo and bar from python completed successfully, calling errorParsingParameter resulted in stack corruption. It seems that python passed an extra pointer in the stack for s2.
Date User Action Args
2011-04-12 15:39:26Abraham.Soedjitosetrecipients: + Abraham.Soedjito, theller
2011-04-12 15:39:26Abraham.Soedjitosetmessageid: <>
2011-04-12 15:39:25Abraham.Soedjitolinkissue11835 messages
2011-04-12 15:39:25Abraham.Soedjitocreate