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Author fabioz
Recipients fabioz
Date 2011-04-07.16:15:56
SpamBayes Score 2.6329577e-05
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Right now, when doing a test case, one must clear all the variables created in the test class, and I believe this shouldn't be needed...


class Test(TestCase):
  def setUp(self):
    self.obj1 = MyObject()


  def tearDown(self):
    del self.obj1

Ideally (in my view), right after running the test, it should be garbage-collected and the explicit tearDown wouldn't be needed (as the test would garbage-collected, that reference would automatically die), because this is currently very error prone... (and probably a source of leaks for any sufficiently big test suite).

If that's accepted, I can provide a patch.
Date User Action Args
2011-04-07 16:15:57fabiozsetrecipients: + fabioz
2011-04-07 16:15:57fabiozsetmessageid: <>
2011-04-07 16:15:56fabiozlinkissue11798 messages
2011-04-07 16:15:56fabiozcreate