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Author benjamin.peterson
Recipients belopolsky, benjamin.peterson, bob.ippolito, fredrik_j, mark.dickinson, pitrou, rhettinger, theller
Date 2011-03-26.22:13:55
SpamBayes Score 0.009759556
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
You could write a Python script to generator the methods.
Date User Action Args
2011-03-26 22:13:55benjamin.petersonsetrecipients: + benjamin.peterson, theller, rhettinger, bob.ippolito, mark.dickinson, belopolsky, pitrou, fredrik_j
2011-03-26 22:13:55benjamin.petersonsetmessageid: <>
2011-03-26 22:13:55benjamin.petersonlinkissue887237 messages
2011-03-26 22:13:55benjamin.petersoncreate