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Author belopolsky
Recipients belopolsky, ezio.melotti, georg.brandl, lemburg, mrabarnett, pitrou
Date 2011-02-24.02:10:19
SpamBayes Score 8.616859e-07
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
> Accepting all common forms for
> encoding names means that you can usually give Python an encoding name
> from, e.g. a HTML page, or any other file or system that specifies an
> encoding.

I don't buy this argument.  Running attached script on shows that there are hundreds of registered charsets that are not accepted by python:

$ ./python.exe| wc -l

Any serious HTML or XML processing software should be based on the IANA character-sets file rather than on the ad-hoc list of aliases that made it into encodings/
Date User Action Args
2011-02-24 02:10:20belopolskysetrecipients: + belopolsky, lemburg, georg.brandl, pitrou, ezio.melotti, mrabarnett
2011-02-24 02:10:19belopolskysetmessageid: <>
2011-02-24 02:10:19belopolskylinkissue5902 messages
2011-02-24 02:10:19belopolskycreate