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Author kovid
Recipients brian.curtin, ggenellina, kovid, loewis, ned.deily, ocean-city, pitrou, tercero12, tim.golden
Date 2010-11-27.23:20:20
SpamBayes Score 0.00533196
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
I apologize for the multiple issue in the ticket. To my mind they were all basically one issue, stemming from the decision to read mimetypes from the registry.

Since there are other tickets for the first two issues, I'll change the summary for this issue to reflect only the third.
Date User Action Args
2010-11-27 23:20:22kovidsetrecipients: + kovid, loewis, ggenellina, pitrou, ocean-city, tim.golden, ned.deily, brian.curtin, tercero12
2010-11-27 23:20:22kovidsetmessageid: <>
2010-11-27 23:20:21kovidlinkissue10551 messages
2010-11-27 23:20:21kovidcreate