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Author metal
Recipients LeWiemann, dtorp, mark.dickinson, metal, r.david.murray, rhettinger, tixxit
Date 2010-07-20.20:34:49
SpamBayes Score 0.02037883
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Shame on me, after a long time I realized the problem referenced in my old post ( was actually topological sorting. It can't be done by Python's sort(), which doesn't support partial order. Trying to use cmp parameter is completely wrong. And cmp would mislead people like me to sort a partial order, evil! Now I'm absolutely agree with gone of cmp, viva Raymond Hettinger!
Date User Action Args
2010-07-20 20:34:52metalsetrecipients: + metal, rhettinger, mark.dickinson, dtorp, LeWiemann, r.david.murray, tixxit
2010-07-20 20:34:51metalsetmessageid: <>
2010-07-20 20:34:50metallinkissue1771 messages
2010-07-20 20:34:49metalcreate