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Author mark.dickinson
Recipients Arfrever, mark.dickinson, vstinner
Date 2010-06-29.19:02:07
SpamBayes Score 4.346572e-05
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
The patch looks fine to me.

- Please could you add some tests, to exercise the 'not a whole number of frames' errors?

- The patch obviously predates the grand reindenting, so its indentation needs fixing up

PEP 7 nits:

 - Please don't put spaces just inside the parens in an 'if' statement:  i.e., use "if (size != 1 ...)", not "if ( size != 1 ...)"  (I notice that the "if ( x == NULL )" style is already prevalent, though not universal, in the module, though.)

 - the 'else' clause of an if should be at the start of the line (i.e.,
on a new line below the closing brace of the 'if', if present)

Is there any particular reason that Python 3.1 is not included in the versions?
Date User Action Args
2010-06-29 19:02:10mark.dickinsonsetrecipients: + mark.dickinson, vstinner, Arfrever
2010-06-29 19:02:09mark.dickinsonsetmessageid: <>
2010-06-29 19:02:08mark.dickinsonlinkissue7673 messages
2010-06-29 19:02:07mark.dickinsoncreate