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Author wichert
Recipients AndrewZiem, Flimm, bernie, bronger, cito, clouserw, dns, dwayne, franz_glasner, genepi, loewis, mitar, nh2, olivier-berten, wichert
Date 2010-05-29.06:39:48
SpamBayes Score 0.07136128
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Martin, is there anything we can do to help get this merged? I can really use this as well.

My background here is that currently the complete zope i18n support abuses message ids as a workaround, and the result works but is very painful for translators since the original string is not immediately visible for them.
Date User Action Args
2010-05-29 06:39:51wichertsetrecipients: + wichert, loewis, cito, bronger, genepi, franz_glasner, dwayne, AndrewZiem, dns, mitar, bernie, nh2, clouserw, Flimm, olivier-berten
2010-05-29 06:39:51wichertsetmessageid: <>
2010-05-29 06:39:49wichertlinkissue2504 messages
2010-05-29 06:39:49wichertcreate