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Author meador.inge
Recipients Alexander.Belopolsky, MrJean1, ajaksu2, barry, benjamin.peterson, inducer, mark.dickinson, meador.inge, noufal, pitrou, teoliphant
Date 2010-05-18.04:07:53
SpamBayes Score 0.008759687
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Attached is a patch that implements part of the additions.  More specifically, the 'T{}' syntax and the ability to place byte-order specifiers ('<', '>', '@', '^', '!", '=') anywhere in the struct string.  

The changes dictated by the PEP are so big that it is better to split things up into multiple patches.  These two features will lay some ground work and are probably less controversial than the others.

Surely some more tweaks will be needed, but I think what I have now is at least good enough for review.  I tested on OS X 10.6 and Ubuntu 10.4.  I also used valgrind and ' -R:' to check for memory and 
reference leaks, respectively.
Date User Action Args
2010-05-18 04:08:03meador.ingesetrecipients: + meador.inge, barry, teoliphant, mark.dickinson, pitrou, inducer, ajaksu2, MrJean1, benjamin.peterson, noufal, Alexander.Belopolsky
2010-05-18 04:08:03meador.ingesetmessageid: <>
2010-05-18 04:08:01meador.ingelinkissue3132 messages
2010-05-18 04:07:59meador.ingecreate