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Author stutzbach
Recipients gvanrossum, lemburg, loewis, r.david.murray, scoder, stutzbach, vstinner, zooko
Date 2010-05-08.16:33:58
SpamBayes Score 1.9624288e-07
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
On Sat, May 8, 2010 at 11:20 AM, Martin v. Löwis <> wrote:
> I'd rather modify PyModuleDef_Base, to include a flags field, and
> perhaps put the api version into it, as well. That's an ABI change,
> unfortunately, but such a flags field may turn out useful, anyway.

That works for me.  I'll work on a patch (which may end up needing
further revision, but it will at least give us a concrete basis for
further discussion).
Date User Action Args
2010-05-08 16:34:00stutzbachsetrecipients: + stutzbach, lemburg, gvanrossum, loewis, zooko, scoder, vstinner, r.david.murray
2010-05-08 16:33:59stutzbachlinkissue8654 messages
2010-05-08 16:33:58stutzbachcreate