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Author nirai
Recipients DazWorrall, aconrad, alex, andrix, brian.curtin, carljm, coderanger, cool-RR, dabeaz, djc, donaldjeo, durin42, eric.araujo, eric.smith, flox, gregory.p.smith, jcea, jhylton, karld, kevinwatters, konryd, larry, loewis, mahmoudimus, movement, neologix, nirai, pitrou, rcohen, rh0dium, tarek, thouis, ysj.ray
Date 2010-04-28.19:21:07
SpamBayes Score 0.31304392
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Dave, there seems to be some problem with your patch on Windows:

F:\dev>z:\dabeaz-wcg\PCbuild\python.exe y:\ -b
== CPython 3.2a0.0 (py3k) ==
== x86 Windows on 'x86 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 10, GenuineIntel' ==

--- I/O bandwidth ---

Background CPU task: Pi calculation (Python)

CPU threads=0: 8551.2 packets/s.
CPU threads=1: 26.1 ( 0 %)
CPU threads=2: 26.0 ( 0 %)
CPU threads=3: 37.2 ( 0 %)
CPU threads=4: 33.2 ( 0 %)
Date User Action Args
2010-04-28 19:21:09niraisetrecipients: + nirai, loewis, jhylton, gregory.p.smith, jcea, pitrou, movement, larry, eric.smith, kevinwatters, tarek, djc, karld, carljm, coderanger, durin42, eric.araujo, alex, andrix, konryd, brian.curtin, flox, DazWorrall, cool-RR, rh0dium, rcohen, dabeaz, mahmoudimus, aconrad, ysj.ray, neologix, thouis, donaldjeo
2010-04-28 19:21:09niraisetmessageid: <>
2010-04-28 19:21:08nirailinkissue7946 messages
2010-04-28 19:21:08niraicreate