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Author rpetrov
Recipients akuchling, asmodai, mark.dickinson, r.david.murray, rpetrov, skrah
Date 2010-04-23.21:52:35
SpamBayes Score 4.8496156e-07
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
Stefan Krah wrote:
> Stefan Krah<>  added the comment:
> Actually this means that we should also look for -ltinfo in the ldd
> check (A Redhat buildbot would be nice).

Or may be this mean that in configure to add test with -ltinfo and if 
readline link succeed then is save to link python curses module with 
first curses library found.

ldd - what about platforms without GNU libc ?

Date User Action Args
2010-04-23 21:52:36rpetrovsetrecipients: + rpetrov, akuchling, mark.dickinson, asmodai, r.david.murray, skrah
2010-04-23 21:52:35rpetrovlinkissue7384 messages
2010-04-23 21:52:35rpetrovcreate