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Title: Add unicode script info to the unicode database
Type: enhancement Stage: patch review
Components: Unicode Versions: Python 3.7
Status: open Resolution:
Dependencies: Superseder:
Assigned To: Nosy List: Cosimo Lupo, Denis Jacquerye, Elizacat, Greg Price, PanderMusubi, akitada, benjamin.peterson, berker.peksag, doerwalter, ezio.melotti, lemburg, loewis, vstinner
Priority: normal Keywords: needs review, patch

Created on 2009-06-23 20:50 by doerwalter, last changed 2022-04-11 14:56 by admin.

File name Uploaded Description Edit
unicode-script.diff doerwalter, 2009-06-23 20:50 review
unicode-script-2.diff doerwalter, 2009-06-24 18:56 review
unicode-script-3.diff doerwalter, 2009-07-01 10:55 review
Messages (17)
msg89642 - (view) Author: Walter Dörwald (doerwalter) * (Python committer) Date: 2009-06-23 20:50
This patch adds a function unicodedata.script() that returns information
about the script of the Unicode character.
msg89647 - (view) Author: Martin v. Löwis (loewis) * (Python committer) Date: 2009-06-23 21:35
I think the patch is incorrect: the default value for the script
property ought to be Unknown, not Common (despite UCD.html saying the
contrary; see UTR#24 and Scripts.txt).

I'm puzzled why you use a hard-coded list of script names. The set of
scripts will certainly change across Unicode versions, and I think it
would be better to learn the script names from Scripts.txt.

Out of curiosity: how does the addition of the script property affect
the number of distinct database records, and the total size of the database?

I think a common application would be lower-cases script names, for more
efficient comparison; UCD has also changed the spelling of the script
names over time (from being all-capital before). So I propose that
a) two functions are provided: one with the original script names, and
one with the lower-case script names
b) keep cached versions of interned script name strings in separate
arrays, to avoid PyString_FromString every time.

I'm doubtful that script names need to be provided for old database
versions, so I would be happy to not record the script for old versions,
and raise an exception if somebody tries to get the script for an old
database version - surely applications of the old database records won't
be accessing the script property, anyway.
msg89671 - (view) Author: Walter Dörwald (doerwalter) * (Python committer) Date: 2009-06-24 18:55
Martin v. Löwis wrote:
> Martin v. Löwis <> added the comment:
> I think the patch is incorrect: the default value for the script
> property ought to be Unknown, not Common (despite UCD.html saying the
> contrary; see UTR#24 and Scripts.txt).


> I'm puzzled why you use a hard-coded list of script names. The set of
> scripts will certainly change across Unicode versions, and I think it
> would be better to learn the script names from Scripts.txt.

I hardcoded the list, because I saw no easy way to get the indexes
consistent across both versions of the database.

> Out of curiosity: how does the addition of the script property affect
> the number of distinct database records, and the total size of the database?

I'm not exactly sure how to measure this, but the length of
_PyUnicode_Database_Records goes from 229 entries to 690 entries.

If it's any help I can post the output of

> I think a common application would be lower-cases script names, for more
> efficient comparison; UCD has also changed the spelling of the script
> names over time (from being all-capital before). So I propose that
> a) two functions are provided: one with the original script names, and
> one with the lower-case script names

It this really neccessary, if we only have one version of the database?

> b) keep cached versions of interned script name strings in separate
> arrays, to avoid PyString_FromString every time.


> I'm doubtful that script names need to be provided for old database
> versions, so I would be happy to not record the script for old versions,
> and raise an exception if somebody tries to get the script for an old
> database version - surely applications of the old database records won't
> be accessing the script property, anyway.

OK, I've removed the script_changes info for the old database. (And with
this change the list of script names is no longer hardcoded).

Here's a new version of the patch (unicode-script-2.diff).
msg89675 - (view) Author: Martin v. Löwis (loewis) * (Python committer) Date: 2009-06-24 19:31
>> I'm puzzled why you use a hard-coded list of script names. The set of
>> scripts will certainly change across Unicode versions, and I think it
>> would be better to learn the script names from Scripts.txt.
> I hardcoded the list, because I saw no easy way to get the indexes
> consistent across both versions of the database.

Couldn't you have a global cache, something like

scripts = ['Unknown']
def findscript(script):
    return scripts.index(script)
  except ValueError:
    return len(scripts)-1

>> Out of curiosity: how does the addition of the script property affect
>> the number of distinct database records, and the total size of the database?
> I'm not exactly sure how to measure this, but the length of
> _PyUnicode_Database_Records goes from 229 entries to 690 entries.

I think this needs to be fixed, then - we need to study why there are
so many new records (e.g. what script contributes most new records),
and then look for alternatives.

One alternative could be to create a separate Trie for scripts.

I'd also be curious if we can increase the homogeneity of scripts
(i.e. produce longer runs of equal scripts) if we declare that
unassigned code points have the script that corresponds to the block
(i.e. the script that surrounding characters have), and then only
change it to "Unknown" at lookup time if it's unassigned.

> If it's any help I can post the output of

I'd be interested in "size", and how it changes.
Perhaps the actual size increase isn't that bad.

>> a) two functions are provided: one with the original script names, and
>> one with the lower-case script names
> It this really neccessary, if we only have one version of the database?

I don't know what this will be used for, but one application is
certainly regular expressions. So we need an efficient test whether
the character is in the expected script or not. It would be bad if
such a test would have to do a .lower() on each lookup.
msg89701 - (view) Author: Walter Dörwald (doerwalter) * (Python committer) Date: 2009-06-25 09:14
I was comparing apples and oranges: The 229 entries for the trunk where
for an UCS2 build (the patched version was UCS4), with UCS4 there are
317 entries for the trunk.

size unicodedata.o gives:

__TEXT  __DATA  __OBJC  others  dec     hex
13622   587057  0       23811   624490  9876a

for trunk


__TEXT  __DATA  __OBJC  others  dec     hex
17769   588817  0       24454   631040  9a100

for the patched version.
msg89973 - (view) Author: Walter Dörwald (doerwalter) * (Python committer) Date: 2009-07-01 10:54
Here is a new version that includes a new function scriptl() that
returns the script name in lowercase.
msg111040 - (view) Author: Mark Lawrence (BreamoreBoy) * Date: 2010-07-21 12:19
Could someone with unicode knowledge take this review on, given that comments have already been made and responded to?
msg177469 - (view) Author: Pander (PanderMusubi) Date: 2012-12-14 16:52
Please, also consider reviewing functionality offered by:
which could be used to improve and extend the proposed patch.
msg177506 - (view) Author: Pander (PanderMusubi) Date: 2012-12-14 20:41
The latest version of the respective sources can be found here:
and here:
msg214204 - (view) Author: Martin v. Löwis (loewis) * (Python committer) Date: 2014-03-20 11:10
Pander: In what way would this extend or improve the current patch?
msg214633 - (view) Author: Pander (PanderMusubi) Date: 2014-03-23 20:34
I see the patch support Unicode scripts but I am also interested in support for Unicode blocks

Code for support for the latter is at

I could ont quiet make out of the patch also supports Unicode blocks. If not, shoudl that be requested in a separete issue?

Furthermore, support for Unicode scripts and blocks should be updated each time a new version of Unicode standard is published. Someone should check of the latest patch should be updated to the latest version of Unicode. Not only for this issue but for each release of PYthon.
msg214636 - (view) Author: Martin v. Löwis (loewis) * (Python committer) Date: 2014-03-23 21:30
Adding support for blocks should indeed go into a separate issue. Your code for that is not suitable, as it should integrate with the existing script, which your code does not.

And yes, indeed, of course, we automatically update (nearly) all data in Python automatically from the files provided by the Unicode consortium.
msg226266 - (view) Author: Elizabeth Myers (Elizacat) * Date: 2014-09-02 08:22
> I think this needs to be fixed, then - we need to study why there are
> so many new records (e.g. what script contributes most new records),
> and then look for alternatives.

The "Common" script appears to be very fragmented and may be the cause of the issues.

> One alternative could be to create a separate Trie for scripts.

Not having seen the one in C yet, I have one written in Python, custom-made for storing the script database, based on the general idea of a range tree. It stores ranges individually straight out of Scripts.txt. The general idea is you take the average of the lower and upper bounds of a given range (they can be equal). When searching, you compare the codepoint value to the average in the present node, and use that to find which direction to search the tree in.

Without coalescing neighbouring ranges that are the same script, I have 1,606 nodes in the tree (for Unicode 7.0, which added a lot of scripts). After coalescing, there appear to be 806 nodes.

If anyone cares, I'll be more than happy to post code for inspection.

> I don't know what this will be used for, but one application is
> certainly regular expressions. So we need an efficient test whether
> the character is in the expected script or not. It would be bad if
> such a test would have to do a .lower() on each lookup.

This is actually required for restriction-level detection as described in Unicode TR39, for all levels of restriction above ASCII-only (
msg251214 - (view) Author: Cosimo Lupo (Cosimo Lupo) Date: 2015-09-21 09:03
I would very much like a `script()` function to be added to the built-in unicodedata module.
What's the current status of this issue?

msg285269 - (view) Author: Pander (PanderMusubi) Date: 2017-01-11 20:31
Any updates or ideas on how to move this forward? See also Thanks.
msg320090 - (view) Author: Pander (PanderMusubi) Date: 2018-06-20 16:09
Since June 2018, Unicode version 11.0 is out. Perhaps that could help move this forward.
msg320092 - (view) Author: STINNER Victor (vstinner) * (Python committer) Date: 2018-06-20 16:20
> Since June 2018, Unicode version 11.0 is out. Perhaps that could help move this forward.

Python 3.7 has been upgrade to Unicode 11.
Date User Action Args
2022-04-11 14:56:50adminsetgithub: 50580
2019-08-28 05:09:27Greg Pricesetnosy: + Greg Price
2018-06-20 16:20:05vstinnersetmessages: + msg320092
2018-06-20 16:09:15PanderMusubisetmessages: + msg320090
2017-01-11 21:28:17pitrousetnosy: - pitrou
2017-01-11 20:37:51serhiy.storchakasetversions: + Python 3.7, - Python 3.6
2017-01-11 20:31:36PanderMusubisetmessages: + msg285269
2015-10-17 07:46:49Denis Jacqueryesetnosy: + Denis Jacquerye
2015-09-21 09:48:22berker.peksagsetnosy: + berker.peksag
2015-09-21 09:44:58BreamoreBoysetversions: + Python 3.6, - Python 3.4
2015-09-21 09:03:10Cosimo Luposetnosy: + Cosimo Lupo
messages: + msg251214
2014-09-02 08:22:51Elizacatsetnosy: + Elizacat
messages: + msg226266
2014-03-23 21:30:53loewissetmessages: + msg214636
2014-03-23 20:34:08PanderMusubisetmessages: + msg214633
2014-03-20 11:10:32loewissetmessages: + msg214204
2014-02-03 18:40:43BreamoreBoysetnosy: - BreamoreBoy
2013-02-10 18:26:00pitrousetnosy: + lemburg, pitrou, vstinner, benjamin.peterson
2012-12-14 20:41:36PanderMusubisetmessages: + msg177506
2012-12-14 16:52:17PanderMusubisetnosy: + PanderMusubi
messages: + msg177469
2012-09-26 17:08:17ezio.melottisetversions: + Python 3.4, - Python 3.2
2010-07-21 12:19:04BreamoreBoysetnosy: + BreamoreBoy

messages: + msg111040
versions: + Python 3.2, - Python 2.7
2009-07-24 09:44:35ezio.melottisetkeywords: + needs review
stage: patch review
2009-07-01 10:55:20doerwaltersetfiles: + unicode-script-3.diff

messages: + msg89973
2009-06-25 09:14:17doerwaltersetmessages: + msg89701
2009-06-24 19:31:08loewissetmessages: + msg89675
2009-06-24 18:56:52doerwaltersetfiles: + unicode-script-2.diff
2009-06-24 18:56:05doerwaltersetmessages: + msg89671
2009-06-24 06:36:17ezio.melottisetpriority: normal
nosy: + ezio.melotti
2009-06-23 22:02:04akitadasetnosy: + akitada
2009-06-23 21:36:00loewissetnosy: + loewis
messages: + msg89647
2009-06-23 20:50:57doerwaltercreate