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Created on 2001-11-05 15:45 by anonymous, last changed 2022-04-10 16:04 by admin. This issue is now closed.
Messages (32) | |||
msg7372 - (view) | Author: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody) | Date: 2001-11-05 15:45 | |
I have an embedded use of the Python interpreter. I want to compile and link the encapsulating application with and without DEBUG. I have disabled the use of the pragma in config.h to always use the library specified in the link statement, which is always the standard python library. I have ensured that all invocations of Python.h undefine the DEBUG symbol before including them. Compiling the application without debug: works fine if you link non-debug. However, linking with debug causes some change in the way python modules are looked up and I'm getting undefined local modules. I have checked the PYTHONPATH environment variable and it is correct, and the .py module exists in the correct directory. (This is a common scenario where some libraries are compiled without DEBUG, some with DEBUG, and then the whole application linked DEBUG.) Compiling the application with debug: Link errors result. Undefined -- _Py_RefTotal, _Py_Dealloc, _PyInitModule4TraceRefs. Python is making too many hidden assumptions about the build environment when it is being used embedded. This is a critical problem as it makes it impossible to build the encapsulating application for debug purposes. |
msg7373 - (view) | Author: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody) | Date: 2001-11-05 17:29 | |
Logged In: NO More info: I've now narrowed it down to the fact that when the final link is done with debug, the PYTHONPATH environment variable is ignored altogether. In my case, I cannot rely on the registry being set up for Python, and the system is resorting to the default relative path names (which, in my case, are of no use). How does the behavior of the (non-debug) python library know to change based on the final link? And why is PYTHONPATH ignored if it is linked in debug? |
msg7374 - (view) | Author: Martin v. Löwis (loewis) * ![]() |
Date: 2001-11-07 22:11 | |
Logged In: YES user_id=21627 I cannot understand what bug you are reporting. Of the things you report, which of them did you not expect? For example, that Py_RefTotal is undefined when you compile with DEBUG, but link with the no-debug library is not a bug, but by design: those functions are used in every debug module, but available only in the debug library. Your complete compilation approach is flawed: If you compile with pydebug, you absolutely *must* link with the debug library: the object layout of every object will change, so crashes are likely if you link with the wrong library. |
msg7375 - (view) | Author: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody) | Date: 2001-11-08 14:10 | |
Logged In: NO I'm not recompiling the Python libraries. I am only recompiling my personal libraries which use the Python C API. I want to be able to compile my libraries with debug and use the standard Python library. This is not a "flawed" approach. It is extremely common when using 3rd-party libraries to do this. Python should be using a separate #define for its ref-counting debug stuff so that clients can use the standard library and still debug their own stuff. Refer to my second comment regarding the use of PYTHONPATH for another example of non-transparent substitution of the debug and non-debug libraries. |
msg7376 - (view) | Author: Tim Peters (tim.peters) * ![]() |
Date: 2001-11-08 16:43 | |
Logged In: YES user_id=31435 Changed Category to Windows, since I'm almost certain that's the missing info here. Assigned to MarkH hoping he has a slick <wink> reply. This kind of complaint comes up rarely but regularly, and I'm never sure what to say: since I build Python from source, and always did, our Windows debug scheme is fine by me. But what are pure end-users expected to do? |
msg7377 - (view) | Author: Martin v. Löwis (loewis) * ![]() |
Date: 2001-11-08 17:09 | |
Logged In: YES user_id=21627 AFAICT, even on Windows, defining DEBUG does not change anything whatsoever. It is only when you define _DEBUG that things start to change. I'm not sure whether this is a bug or a feature: If you just want to enable debugging in your application, just don't define _DEBUG. Notice that MSVC does that for you unless you tell it not to. AFAICT, _DEBUG is what Microsoft uses in the libraries to indicate "enable all debugging code that you have". So Python enables Py_DEBUG. |
msg7378 - (view) | Author: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody) | Date: 2001-11-08 17:22 | |
Logged In: NO The only debug-type symbol I am defining when compiling my code is DEBUG. I'm not deliberately defining _DEBUG or Py_Debug. |
msg7379 - (view) | Author: Martin v. Löwis (loewis) * ![]() |
Date: 2001-11-08 17:33 | |
Logged In: YES user_id=21627 What Python version are you using? You mentioned that you've changed the pragma in config.h; atleast since Python 1.5.2, this macro depends on _DEBUG, not on DEBUG. So if you didn't define _DEBUG, you wouldn't need to change the pragma.Python never changes its behaviour based on whether DEBUG is defined, AFAICT. Please check the project settings for the debug target in your application again. |
msg7380 - (view) | Author: Tim Peters (tim.peters) * ![]() |
Date: 2001-11-08 17:48 | |
Logged In: YES user_id=31435 Well, Martin is right, you know: if you're not defining _DEBUG, and not letting MSVC define it either, then neither will pyconfig.h define Py_DEBUG, and it gets harder and harder to believe that what you're reporting is the full truth. Perhaps you could attach a tiny example, along with the MSVC project file, or Makefile, you use. It may well be academic, though, as it's *normal* for _DEBUG to get defined under MSVC in a debug build (and whether or not you add it explicitly -- as Martin implied, you would have had to explicitly remove _DEBUG from the MSVC auto-generated list of preprocesser debug-build #defines). In answer to one of your earlier questions, PYTHONPATH is not ignored after a debug link. I understand that you believe it is, but I expect that's another illusion due to something you haven't told us-- or not discovered --yet. Perhaps you're linking with the wrong system libraries? Python requires the multithreaded libraries. |
msg7381 - (view) | Author: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody) | Date: 2001-11-08 19:19 | |
Logged In: NO It's not a question of *believing* that PYTHONPATH is ignored: that is the observed behavior! (I am using 2.1.1.) Whether I compile my client code with debug or not should have nothing to do with what Python library I include. (Note that I'm talking about *my* client code, not compiling Python itself.) The Python #includes should not be selecting a library for me, but should let me specify it in my build environment. This is the way virtually every 3rd-party library is set up for both Windows and *nix systems and the way I expected Python to behave. Whether or not Windows defines _DEBUG shouldn't matter either -- I should have independent control. (I even when to the lengths of undeffing DEBUG, _DEBUG, and Py_Debug prior to including any Python headers -- still didn't help.) Keep in mind that Python is not the core of my application. It doesn't control the main loop. In fact I entirely encapsulate the C API to Python so that my clients can define commands without ever having to include Python.h themselves. Python is just one piece of a very large system (and a replacable piece at that) and can't dictate build or compile requirements. I'll check the system libraries, but I'm pretty sure they are the multithreaded versions. (I think I'd be seeing different symptoms if I had the wrong system libraries.) Unfortunately, I can't send you samples due to confidentiality concerns. Rest assured, however, that I am describing the problems accurately. Try it yourself! Uninstall python, just retaining the normal link libraries and dlls and the headers. Now build an application using just the C API. Not as simple as it sounds (or is with competing tools such as Tcl). |
msg7382 - (view) | Author: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody) | Date: 2001-11-08 19:20 | |
Logged In: NO It's not a question of *believing* that PYTHONPATH is ignored: that is the observed behavior! (I am using 2.1.1.) Whether I compile my client code with debug or not should have nothing to do with what Python library I include. (Note that I'm talking about *my* client code, not compiling Python itself.) The Python #includes should not be selecting a library for me, but should let me specify it in my build environment. This is the way virtually every 3rd-party library is set up for both Windows and *nix systems and the way I expected Python to behave. Whether or not Windows defines _DEBUG shouldn't matter either -- I should have independent control. (I even when to the lengths of undeffing DEBUG, _DEBUG, and Py_Debug prior to including any Python headers -- still didn't help.) Keep in mind that Python is not the core of my application. It doesn't control the main loop. In fact I entirely encapsulate the C API to Python so that my clients can define commands without ever having to include Python.h themselves. Python is just one piece of a very large system (and a replacable piece at that) and can't dictate build or compile requirements. I'll check the system libraries, but I'm pretty sure they are the multithreaded versions. (I think I'd be seeing different symptoms if I had the wrong system libraries.) Unfortunately, I can't send you samples due to confidentiality concerns. Rest assured, however, that I am describing the problems accurately. Try it yourself! Uninstall python, just retaining the normal link libraries and dlls and the headers. Now build an application using just the C API. Not as simple as it sounds (or is with competing tools such as Tcl). |
msg7383 - (view) | Author: Tim Peters (tim.peters) * ![]() |
Date: 2001-11-08 19:49 | |
Logged In: YES user_id=31435 Anonymous, editorializing doesn't really help. I understand that you want Python to work in a way other than it does, and repeating that isn't necessary. I'm hoping Mark Hammond will comment on that. In the meantime, I'm trying to determine why you're seeing the symptoms you are seeing. I believe you're seeing them, but your analysis doesn't make sense, therefore something is going on you haven't told us about. What *should* happen in your ideal world isn't relevant to determining what's actually happening. Take this one step at a time, please. |
msg7384 - (view) | Author: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody) | Date: 2001-11-08 20:03 | |
Logged In: NO You'll have to excuse the editorializing: I've found working with the C API immensely frustrating in a variety of ways, and then to have my empirical observations dismissed... Let me step back and explain where I am right now. I've built the 2.1 debug version of the python library using the source distribution. When doing a final link without debug (regardless of how all my client code was compiled) I use the non-debug version of the Python library. When doing a final link with debug (again, regardless of how all of my client code is compiled) I use the debug version of the python library. To get the latter scenario to work, I edit the registry -- as well as the PYTHONPATH -- before initializing python through the C API. For these two cases, my unit tests run correctly to completion. However, this means that our developers must compile the library I wrote that wraps up the Python C API to match how they are going to link it. I would like to find a way around this constraint so that any combination of compiling and linking my wrapper library works correctly. (Let me also mention that I am aware that you are all volunteers and I do appreciate your efforts. I am hopeful that by resolving issues such as this Python can be made more easy to use in a wider variety of circumstances.) Thanks. |
msg7385 - (view) | Author: Martin v. Löwis (loewis) * ![]() |
Date: 2001-11-08 23:28 | |
Logged In: YES user_id=21627 AFAICT, PYTHONPATH is *not* ignored when running a debug build. If you think it is, please run the debug and the nodebug interpreter (i.e. python.exe and python_d.exe), and report the values of sys.path for either case. More likely, the cause of your problems is that the import code looks for different DLL name *in sys.path*. I.e. when you do import foo in a nodebug build, it will try to find foo.pyd or foo.dll. In a debug build, it will try to find foo_d.pyd or foo_d.dll. So if you only have foo.pyd, then importing foo will fail if Python was compiled with _DEBUG. Again, this is by design: foo.pyd might crash the debug interpreter, since the object layout is different. If you merely want to single-step through the Python runtime, without making use of the Py_DEBUG features, you should build the release version of Python, but activate the generation of debug symbols. |
msg7386 - (view) | Author: Mark Hammond (mhammond) * ![]() |
Date: 2001-11-09 01:09 | |
Logged In: YES user_id=14198 There is not much I can add here. I understand and appreciate your concerns. However, as Tim and Martin have stated, something is missing from the puzzle. PYTHONPATH is *not* ignored in debug builds. The reason for the _d is 2-fold: * As Martin said, the object layout may change. * The Python core and extensions sometimes share CRT objects - notably file handles, and in some cases memory blocks. It is critical that these come from the same CRT. I could possibly agree that the "_d" convention is dumb and should be dropped. However, it is unclear to me that this bug can be simply summarised as this. This is probably because it is unclear to me how this bug can be summarised at all :) |
msg7387 - (view) | Author: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody) | Date: 2001-11-09 15:16 | |
Logged In: NO I guess I'm not making myself very clear. Let me try again... I have a library that completely encapsulates all use of Python.h from my clients. I need to be able to debug this library by compiling it with DEBUG. I do not want to use the debug Python library. Unfortunately, just compiling the Python headers with DEBUG seems to change the object layout and require the use of the debug library. BTW, the sys.path values include my PYTHONPATH values when I link non-debug, and they are the default relative path values when I link with debug. I know the code looks like it doesn't ignore PYTHONPATH (I've looked through getpathp.c too) but something is screwing up sys.path. |
msg7388 - (view) | Author: Martin v. Löwis (loewis) * ![]() |
Date: 2001-11-09 15:51 | |
Logged In: YES user_id=21627 In your code that includes Python.h, can you please add the lines #ifdef _DEBUG #error You must not define _DEBUG #endif #ifdef Py_DEBUG #error For some reason Py_DEBUG is still defined #endif immediately after the #include <Python.h> line? Then please compile your library with DEBUG, and report whether it compiles correctly; if not, please report the errors it gives. Furthermore, could you please evaluate the string "import sys;print sys.path" in your embedded code and report the exact output that this gives when running with and without DEBUG? Without the results of these specific experiments, I do not think we can help much. |
msg7389 - (view) | Author: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody) | Date: 2001-11-09 16:16 | |
Logged In: NO Compiling without debug worked fine with the additional #ifdefs. Compiling with DEBUG resulted in the _DEBUG message and the Py_Debug message. sys.path seems to be ok now in all configurations. One of the (many) experimental changes to the build I did must have bypassed the problem. |
msg7390 - (view) | Author: Martin v. Löwis (loewis) * ![]() |
Date: 2001-11-09 18:17 | |
Logged In: YES user_id=21627 I'm glad the PYTHONPATH issue is resolved. On the _DEBUG issue: Somebody *must* be defining _DEBUG somewhere, or else the #ifdef would not trigger. Please open the MSVC++ project file of your project (the .dsp file) in a text editor, and search for _DEBUG. If you cannot find it there, please try to activate full command line printing in your build process, so that you see what options are passed to the compiler. If you are absolutely sure that _DEBUG is not passed in the command line, it must be defined in one of the header files. In this case, please put the #ifdef _DEBUG block of the previous test after each #include, e.g. in a form #include <stdio.h> #ifdef _DEBUG #error After stdio.h #endif #include <nextfile.h> #ifdef _DEBUG #error After nextfile.h #endif I'm sure there are better ways to find out where _DEBUG is defined; don't hesitate to apply them if you are aware of any. Once you found the location of _DEBUG, you may remove it to be able to use the standard Python .DLL. Please make sure you understand Mark's comment on CRTs, though: Many problems will occur if you mix the debug and the nodebug version of the MSVC libraries (e.g. msvcrt.dll and msvcrtd.dll). Please see the Microsoft documentation for details: If you use pythonxy.dll, you absolutely *must* make sure that you do not link the debug versions of the CRT, even when performing a debug build. Unfortunately, you won't get a compilation error if you do not follow this guideline; instead, very hard-to-debug problems will occur. You can use depends.exe on the final executable to analyse the set of libraries used. |
msg7391 - (view) | Author: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody) | Date: 2001-11-09 19:30 | |
Logged In: NO Turns out the _DEBUG is defined when using the /MDd compiler option. We have painstakingly worked out our build system to deal with the library conflicts you mention. If I understand what you're saying, these are the rules: Linking with debug CRT -> link with python_d Linking with python_d -> compile client code with DEBUG The first rule is thanks to MS. The second rule is to get internal object layouts to match up. Is this right? |
msg7392 - (view) | Author: Martin v. Löwis (loewis) * ![]() |
Date: 2001-11-10 10:13 | |
Logged In: YES user_id=21627 The second rule should read Linking with python_d -> compile client code with _DEBUG since Python does not care whether DEBUG is defined or not; it only cares about _DEBUG (i.e. /MDd, as you point out). Furthermore, the second dependcy is also thanks to Microsoft: If you compile your library with /MDd, you must also compile all client code with /MDd, see MSKB Q140584). Python currently supports two configurations on Windows: 1. Neither of _DEBUG, Py_DEBUG is defined; link with pythonxy.dll and msvcrt.dll (i.e. /MD); extensions end with .pyd or .dll 2. Both _DEBUG, Py_DEBUG are defined, link with pythonxy_d.dll and msvcrtd.dll, extensions end with _d.pyd or _d.dll. It would be possible to create a third configuration: _DEBUG is defined, but Py_DEBUG isn't. Link with a no-debug pythonxy.dll, but with msvcrtd.dll. You couldn't use the existing pythonxy.dll and existing extension modules, since those already link with msvcrt.dll. Adding such a configuration would increase the mess, so it won't happen. I'd advise you to pursue a fourth configuration: Do not use the debug CRT (i.e. compile with /MD instead of /MDd), even if you compile your own library for debugging. With that configuration, you can use the standard Python distribution with no changes. |
msg7393 - (view) | Author: Tim Peters (tim.peters) * ![]() |
Date: 2001-11-11 06:15 | |
Logged In: YES user_id=31435 Martin and Mark, I want to play devil's advocate here just a bit: How do we get away with, e.g., using expat.dll in Windows Python? That is, we use the same expat.dll with the release and debug Python builds. Nothing bad happens that I've seen, and we don't get warnings about mixing CRT types either. IOW, we use expat.dll the way Anonymous would like to use the Python DLL. How do we get away with that? If that one is easy <wink>, ee don't use different versions of the Tcl/Tk libraries either. |
msg7394 - (view) | Author: Mark Hammond (mhammond) * ![]() |
Date: 2001-11-11 09:15 | |
Logged In: YES user_id=14198 The problem only occurs when the 2 DLLs must cooperate WRT CRT resources. Eg, if a "FILE *" was ever passed and used across the expat->Python boundary, or a memory block allocated in one to be freed in the other, then we would be in the same situation. This probably doesn't happen for expat and Tk. For Python and its extension modules (and even embedders), it may. IIRC, the problem with memory blocks was solved some time ago, leaving FILE* the only real problem. File objects are used in only 1 or 2 cases, and these could be solved by moving to "PyFile_Write()" style APIs. So, I guess I could agree a good solution is to ensure that Python C API does not require CRT resource sharing, and that Py_DEBUG is defined independently of _DEBUG or DEBUG. Individual extensions would be responsible for setting Py_DEBUG via their makefiles in debug builds. This should be stable. This would blur the _d convention. I quite like it, but I agree it is a PITA for many people. We could try giving pythonxx_d.dll the ability to load non _d versions, in the hope that the extensions have been "fixed" so they don't directly share the CRT. Tim - never quite understood your feelings on _d - what are your thoughts? |
msg7395 - (view) | Author: Martin v. Löwis (loewis) * ![]() |
Date: 2001-11-11 10:27 | |
Logged In: YES user_id=21627 I thought the problem with memory blocks still exists: If you malloc with the debug CRT, and free with the nodebug CRT, you get a leak. At least Q140584 claims the problem still exists in 6.0sp5. In addition to memory and files, they also notice that setting the locale in one CRT doesn't affect the other. I still cannot tell whether Anonymous builds a DLL wrapper or a static library around pythonxy.dll.If it was a DLL, it would be indeed equivalent to the pyexpat case. However, in that case, linking Python wouldn't matter at all to the clients of his or her DLL, since the reference to pythonxy.dll/pythonxy_d.dll would be only in the wrapper DLL. Re: decoupling _DEBUG and Py_DEBUG. How exactly would that work? Would a _d extension imply _DEBUG, or Py_DEBUG, or would we stop using _d? If it would imply _DEBUG, I cannot understand Mark's comment "Individual extensions would be responsible for setting Py_DEBUG via their makefiles in debug builds. This should be stable." You have to use Py_DEBUG consistently throughout all modules because it changes the struct _object layout. Mixing them certainly isn't stable. Perhaps we could try to completely avoid changing PyObject_HEAD depending on Py_TRACE_REFS, and make it a type flag instead. In that case, you could, at run-time, mix objects that do trace_refs, and objects that don't. |
msg7396 - (view) | Author: Mark Hammond (mhammond) * ![]() |
Date: 2001-11-11 10:37 | |
Logged In: YES user_id=14198 *sigh* - forgot that the object layout changed :( Re malloc issues: they are indeed still a problem - but Python will not *force* you to do this. It used to be the case that an extension module would malloc an object, and whatever module did the final Py_DECREF (often the core) would perform the free(). I believe this is no longer true. It *is* still true with FILE objects and the tp_print slot IIRC. My point with the "_d" was that iff we can get things working so that the standard Python extensions are "safe", "_d" need not imply anything other than "the preferred extension for debug builds of the core" - and even that is only for b/w compat and convenience reasons. How has Linux survived so long? I assume Py_DEBUG builds are simply never made in the "wild". |
msg7397 - (view) | Author: Martin v. Löwis (loewis) * ![]() |
Date: 2001-11-11 14:18 | |
Logged In: YES user_id=21627 On Linux, it is common to include debug information into every library and executable; in particular, it is common to install python with debugging information. This is possible since debugging information can be combined with optimization almost seamless in gcc (distributors often strip the debugging information, though). So you use Py_DEBUG *only* when you want to do the refcount debugging. You have to configure --with-pydebug for that, and you never do that in the wild. *If* you would install a pydebug binary, you would use a different --prefix, so that it would not interfere with the standard installation. Depending on which pyconfig.h extensions pick up, they would then be suitable for use with one or the other installation. |
msg7398 - (view) | Author: Tim Peters (tim.peters) * ![]() |
Date: 2001-11-11 19:49 | |
Logged In: YES user_id=31435 Martin, the MS docs also say the linker generates a warning if you mix CRT types -- but it doesn't for mixing debug Python with expat or Tcl/Tk. I don't always believe everything in the MS docs <wink>. But, Mark, I do believe them when they say you're on thin ice, and they really don't document the ways in which mixing CRTs can be disastrous (they give three specific examples, "just a few" of "many [unspecified] ways to get into trouble"). Mark, I like _d fine! It's better than MS's plain "d" convention (which I've seen other projects mimic), and so long as there *is* a reason that mixing debug and release builds can be catastrophic, it's Good to make it painfully obvious that something potentially catastrophic is going on (note that Anonymous starting getting in trouble when he "disabled the use of the pragma in config.h" -- we spent most of this bug report trying to convince him the pragma wasn't there just to irritate him <wink>). M and M, I don't *know* that expat.dll and Tcl/Tk work fine with a debug Python. All I've ever done with expat.dll then is run our test suite, and that simply doesn't crash; and I probably haven't run any Tcl/Tk scripts under a debug Python in years. Mark, I suspect debug Python builds are extremely rare on Unix, even among Python developers. For example, for more than a year, I believe I'm the only one who has found test- suite failures specific to the debug build. But "compile for debugging" to Unixoids usually means some combination of not defining NDEBUG, retaining symbol info, and/or cranking down optimization. The Unix libraries don't care about that stuff -- there's nothing there as Draconian as the MS-specific _DEBUG effect on libraries. Martin, It Hurts to tell people not to use _DEBUG on Windows: as a prime example, the MS _DEBUG malloc+free are indispensable debugging tools, and indeed have caught bugs in Python that escaped even efence. Users want that for their code too. I don't know where this leaves us. Probably right where we started, except we know better that we're lost <wink>. |
msg7399 - (view) | Author: Martin v. Löwis (loewis) * ![]() |
Date: 2001-11-11 21:23 | |
Logged In: YES user_id=21627 Why does the linker report no error if expat.dll is integrated into a debug build? Because the conflict is detected only for object files compiled with different settings; the linker doesn't look into DLLs to see what CRT they use. I believe MS documented all known problems with combining CRTs; this is an issue that occurs in many projects, and all aspects are well-understood. Since pyexpat doesn't export any CRT objects created by expat, there is no problem with using expat.dll in a debug build. Anonymous, given all this information, do you still think there is a bug in Python? If so, can you please explain from scratch what this problem is (stating only what you believe to be facts)? If not, I propose to close this report as "Won't fix". |
msg7400 - (view) | Author: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody) | Date: 2001-11-12 14:18 | |
Logged In: NO (Not anonymous: Jeff Kotula, Vital Images, Inc.) "Bug" is probably not the right classification. I believe it is a weakness in the configuration management though. Here's the problem: As a client of the C API, I want to be able to create a static library that is compiled with DEBUG and/or _DEBUG and be able to select either the debug or non-debug version of the python library independently. This helps me stay as close as possible to production-level configuration even when debugging some parts of the system. From your preceding discussion it sounds like the only real barrier to this is the coupling of _DEBUG to Py_DEBUG. If this is the case, it should be a small matter to decouple the two. Changing the layout of objects could also be avoided simply by always including the reference counting field -- would it be that big of a percentage increase in object size? |
msg7401 - (view) | Author: Tim Peters (tim.peters) * ![]() |
Date: 2001-11-13 04:52 | |
Logged In: YES user_id=31435 Martin, where does MS document "all known problems with combining CRTs"? The KB article you referenced before (Q140584) says "There are many ways to get into trouble with two CRTs. Here are just a few:", and then lists the same three specific examples that have been brought up in this bug report. There's not a clue there about what the rest of the many ways may be. |
msg7402 - (view) | Author: Martin v. Löwis (loewis) * ![]() |
Date: 2001-11-13 09:09 | |
Logged In: YES user_id=21627 MS doesn't document it as a complete list; I still believe it is a complete list. Of course, you have no reason to trust me more than you trust Microsoft :-) |
msg7403 - (view) | Author: Mark Hammond (mhammond) * ![]() |
Date: 2002-03-28 02:05 | |
Logged In: YES user_id=14198 I believe there is no intention to "fix" this - it is by design. Even if we overcome the memory API issues, the fact we pass FILE * pointers around is still going to be a problem for some users. Please reopen if you feel this is wrong. |
History | |||
Date | User | Action | Args |
2022-04-10 16:04:36 | admin | set | github: 35469 |
2001-11-05 15:45:14 | anonymous | create |