In bpo-44336, a new version of WindowsLoadTracker was implemented in Lib/test/libregrtest/ This version resolves issues with the previous implementation that spawned typeperf.exe. The new implementation uses the registry API's HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA pseudohandle to access the performance counters. This requires hard-coding "2" as the key name of the system object, 44 as the index of the "Processor Queue Length" counter, and also several struct definitions.
The HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA 'key' just wraps the API as an alternate way to consume counter data. Instead of taking this detour through a minimalist interface just to use the API in a roundabout way, it would be better to implement a few of the Performance Data Helper functions in _winapi. I've implemented a prototype in ctypes to demonstrate this, which I'm attaching as "". The functions that would need to be implemented are PdhOpenQueryW(), PdhAddEnglishCounterW(), PdhCollectQueryData(), PdhGetRawCounterValue(), and PdhCloseQuery().