CPython extensions providing optimized execution of Python bytecode (e.g. the Cinder JIT), or even CPython itself (e.g. the faster-cpython project) may wish to cache access to lookups in the class hierarchy (e.g. when resolving the target of a method call). Extensions that perform these optimizations need to know when to invalidate the cached values. CPython already has a mechanism to invalidate its internal state (e.g. the global method cache) when a type is modified: _PyType_Modified. We propose adding an API to allow extensions to set a callback that will be invoked by _PyType_Modified whenever a type, or any ancestor of the type in the class hierarchy, changes.
Proposed API:
// A callback to be invoked with the modified type and optionally the name of
// the attribute that was modified.
typedef void(*PyType_ModifiedCallback)(PyTypeObject* type, PyObject* attr);
// Set or get the callback. The callback may be cleared by supplying a NULL callback.
void PyType_SetModifiedCallback(PyType_ModifiedCallback callback);
PyType_ModifiedCallback PyType_GetModifiedCallback();