Made two changes:
1. support pymalloc for subinterpreters. each subinterpreter has pymalloc_state
2. _copy_raw_string api alloc memory use PyMem_RawFree and PyMem_RawMalloc.
I extend _xxsubinterpretermodule.c to support call any function in sub interpreter.
when i need return result from sub interpreter call.
1. i need create item->name in shared item. will use pymem_xxx api to manage memory. when with_pymalloc macro defined, it will create memory and bound to interpreter(iterp1) pymalloc state.
2. after switch interpreter state, now in iterp2 state, get return value from shareditem, and i need free shared item. but item->name memory managed by interp1 pymalloc state. if i want to free them, i need switch to interpreter state 1. it's complicated. to implementation it, we need save interpid in shared item.
so i think, in _sharednsitem_init _copy_raw_string, need malloc by PyMem_RawAPI. easy to management.
static int
_sharednsitem_init(struct _sharednsitem *item, PyObject *key, PyObject *value)
item->name = _copy_raw_string(key);
_sharedns *result_shread = _sharedns_new(1);
// Switch to interpreter.
PyThreadState *new_tstate = PyInterpreterState_ThreadHead(interp);
PyThreadState *save1 = PyEval_SaveThread();
// Switch to interpreter.
PyThreadState *save_tstate = NULL;
if (interp != PyInterpreterState_Get()) {
// XXX Using the "head" thread isn't strictly correct.
PyThreadState *tstate = PyInterpreterState_ThreadHead(interp);
// XXX Possible GILState issues?
save_tstate = PyThreadState_Swap(tstate);
PyObject *module = PyImport_ImportModule(PyUnicode_AsUTF8(module_name));
PyObject *function = PyObject_GetAttr(module, function_name);
result = PyObject_Call(function, args, kwargs);
if (result == NULL) {
// exception handler
if (result && _sharednsitem_init(&result_shread->items[0], PyUnicode_FromString("result"), result) != 0) {
PyErr_Format(RunFailedError, "interp_call_function result convert to shared failed");
return NULL;;
// Switch back.
// Switch back.
if (save_tstate != NULL) {
// ...
if (result) {
result = _PyCrossInterpreterData_NewObject(&result_shread->items[0].data);