Do you have agreement from the maintainer(s) of Coconut that they are willing to put Coconut into the Python language and/or std library?
Given that Coconut is effectively a radically different language from Python (a superset of Python) this is not a small change. While it is at least possible that we would consider individual features from Coconut, integrating the two languages is unlikely. That would basically turn Python into Coconut and make Python obsolete.
In any case, as a radical change, possibly as big as the move from Python 2 to 3, this will absolutely need a PEP.
You say:
"Coconut allows making code *so* much more readable."
but that's your opinion, I'm sure that there are many people who don't like or appreciate the sort of functional idioms which Coconut specializes in.
But having said that, I personally do like *some* of the Coconut syntax. I think a more productive approach will be to propose *individual* enhancements, allowing each enhancement to be considered on its own merits, rather than suggesting the two languages be integrated. That sort of "everything or nothing" approach is almost certainly going to get the response "OK, nothing".
As for the IDE support, that's not our problem. We're not responsible for convincing IDEs to provide better support for every experimental third-party language.