msg304910 - (view) |
Author: Davide Rizzo (davide.rizzo) * |
Date: 2017-10-24 13:26 |
PEP 525 suggested that adding aiter() and anext() would need to wait until async __aiter__ is dropped in 3.7. Issue 31709 solved that, so now it would be possible to add them.
msg304923 - (view) |
Author: Yury Selivanov (yselivanov) *  |
Date: 2017-10-24 16:17 |
Guido, do we need a PEP to add aiter() and anext() builtins?
msg304924 - (view) |
Author: Guido van Rossum (gvanrossum) *  |
Date: 2017-10-24 16:24 |
> do we need a PEP to add aiter() and anext() builtins?
No, just this tracker issue, a PR and a reviewer. (Sorry, I can't review
CPython code myself any more.)
msg304926 - (view) |
Author: Yury Selivanov (yselivanov) *  |
Date: 2017-10-24 16:25 |
> No, just this tracker issue, a PR and a reviewer. (Sorry, I can't review
CPython code myself any more.)
Alright, I'll work on a PR after PEP 55x.
msg305107 - (view) |
Author: Davide Rizzo (davide.rizzo) * |
Date: 2017-10-27 09:52 |
I attempted to make a Python implementation (attached) to use in my code. There are a few questions in the comments.
One of the complications is the async equivalent of next with two arguments like next(iterator, default). It cannot return the result of __anext__() because it needs to catch StopAsyncIteration. So it should return an awaitable wrapper instead (in my Python code this is rendered as a coroutine). A secondary question is whether the default value should be returned as it is passed, or awaited on.
msg319519 - (view) |
Author: Jelle Zijlstra (JelleZijlstra) *  |
Date: 2018-06-14 14:51 |
Do these really need to be builtins?
They seem too specialized to be widely useful; I've personally never needed them in any async code I've written. It would make more sense to me to put them in a module like operators.
msg319520 - (view) |
Author: Yury Selivanov (yselivanov) *  |
Date: 2018-06-14 15:10 |
> Do these really need to be builtins?
We're only beginning to see async iterators being used in the wild, so we can't have a definitive answer at this point.
> They seem too specialized to be widely useful; I've personally never needed them in any async code I've written. It would make more sense to me to put them in a module like operators.
I think putting them to the operators module makes sense, at least for 3.8. Do you want to work on a pull request?
msg323989 - (view) |
Author: Joshua Bronson (jab) * |
Date: 2018-08-24 04:57 |
Updating the issue title to reflect the decision to add these to the operator module rather than to built-ins.
Submitted a PR here:
msg323997 - (view) |
Author: Yury Selivanov (yselivanov) *  |
Date: 2018-08-24 11:18 |
Great, thanks! There's someone working on a pr to add them as builtins (so that pr is in C). I'll have to take a look when i'm back from vacation at that pr too, before we can make a decision.
I've been to europython, pycon ru, and pybay conferences recently and the number of people who want these as builtins was surprisingly high.
msg324009 - (view) |
Author: Joshua Bronson (jab) * |
Date: 2018-08-24 16:30 |
Interesting, thanks Yury!
I only saw the discussion here which implied these wouldn't go directly into builtins for 3.8 (and I searched here and in GitHub, and couldn't find the PR you mentioned either), so I'm curious if that was tracked somewhere. It'd be unfortunate if the work I did on that PR couldn't be used, but I'd be even happier to have these as builtins.
Thanks again for reviewing when you're back, and have a wonderful vacation in the meantime!
msg337061 - (view) |
Author: Dima Tisnek (Dima.Tisnek) * |
Date: 2019-03-04 02:13 | kinda promised `aiter` and `anext` built-ins.
This ticket seems idle.
Perhaps it's time for the decider club to either remove that language from PEP-525 or make a plan for aiter/anext?
msg337135 - (view) |
Author: Joshua Bronson (jab) * |
Date: 2019-03-04 15:49 |
If the deciders prefer to have these in the operator module for 3.8 (as Yury and Jelle requested above), my PR from a few months ago which implements this ( can still be merged with no conflicts. I don't think any other changes to that patch are requested before it can be merged (i.e. it's only stalled on the decision whether to add these to builtins or operator), but I can still make time to address any new requested code changes if these are to go in operator.
If these are to go in builtins instead, @nanjekyejoannah has volunteered to pick that up. So it seems like this can move forward one way or the other once we have a decision on operator vs. builtins.
msg375633 - (view) |
Author: Dima Tisnek (Dima.Tisnek) * |
Date: 2020-08-19 03:28 |
Might as well re-target for 3.10 as 3.9 seems feature-complete now.
msg380408 - (view) |
Author: John Belmonte (John Belmonte) |
Date: 2020-11-05 12:03 |
Adding this would be a nice compliment to aclosing(), which was already merged for 3.10.
Otherwise, witness the ugliness of using aclosing() with an async iterable object:
async with aclosing(foo.__aiter__()) as agen:
async for item in agen:
I'd like:
async with aclosing(aiter(foo)) as agen:
async for item in agen:
msg381832 - (view) |
Author: Joshua Bronson (jab) * |
Date: 2020-11-25 14:18 |
Nice to see there is still interest in this from someone else! Thanks, John. Are any core developers still interested in this?
If I can get a new PR together that adds C implementations of `aiter` and `anext` to builtins, would a committer still be interested in reviewing the patch?
A week from Friday, I'll have a rare and precious opportunity to spend the day contributing to open source. I have a bunch of different things I could work on, but would work on this if there is still interest. Thanks and hope this finds you all well.
msg383327 - (view) |
Author: Joshua Bronson (jab) * |
Date: 2020-12-18 21:18 |
Please see for the C implementation of aiter and anext added to builtins, as requested.
msg383441 - (view) |
Author: Batuhan Taskaya (BTaskaya) *  |
Date: 2020-12-20 19:12 |
I don't have anything to add to this beside the name choice is safe and won't clash with anything (but honestly I would prefer it to be discussed on the ML before implementing something after 3 years). I checked a limited dataset to search for aiter and only found examples from 2 different projects. Elastic have something for themselves and the other usages are coming from the tests of aioitertools.
msg389414 - (view) |
Author: Guido van Rossum (gvanrossum) *  |
Date: 2021-03-23 22:47 |
New changeset f0a6fde8827d5d4f7a1c741ab1a8b206b66ffd57 by Joshua Bronson in branch 'master':
bpo-31861: Add aiter and anext to builtins (#23847)
msg389417 - (view) |
Author: Pablo Galindo Salgado (pablogsal) *  |
Date: 2021-03-23 23:57 |
New changeset d9692027f41ee7600fe401c066617ebfc8bac930 by Pablo Galindo in branch 'master':
bpo-31861: Complete the C-API docs for PyObject_GetAiter and PyAiter_Check (GH-25004)
msg389420 - (view) |
Author: Pablo Galindo Salgado (pablogsal) *  |
Date: 2021-03-24 00:30 |
New changeset 919d42d477093154a30b55d9d79f023dbbe5614a by Pablo Galindo in branch 'master':
bpo-31861: Fix possible crash in PyAnextAwaitable_New (GH-25005)
msg389422 - (view) |
Author: STINNER Victor (vstinner) *  |
Date: 2021-03-24 01:04 |
I reopen the issue.
The commit f0a6fde8827d5d4f7a1c741ab1a8b206b66ffd57 introduced a reference leak:
$ ./python -m test -R 3:3 test_asyncgen
0:00:00 load avg: 4.75 Run tests sequentially
0:00:00 load avg: 4.75 [1/1] test_asyncgen
beginning 6 repetitions
test_asyncgen leaked [72, 72, 72] references, sum=216
test_asyncgen leaked [30, 30, 30] memory blocks, sum=90
test_asyncgen failed
== Tests result: FAILURE ==
1 test failed:
Total duration: 6.0 sec
Tests result: FAILURE
msg389426 - (view) |
Author: Pablo Galindo Salgado (pablogsal) *  |
Date: 2021-03-24 01:42 |
New changeset a02683ac38183fa3a45c32319dfd329c5e622f0e by Pablo Galindo in branch 'master':
bpo-31861: Fix reference leak in builtin_anext_impl() (GH-25008)
msg389427 - (view) |
Author: Pablo Galindo Salgado (pablogsal) *  |
Date: 2021-03-24 01:43 |
Fixed by PR25008
msg390402 - (view) |
Author: Dennis Sweeney (Dennis Sweeney) *  |
Date: 2021-04-07 06:47 |
A bug was reported in anext():
msg390495 - (view) |
Author: STINNER Victor (vstinner) *  |
Date: 2021-04-07 22:59 |
I proposed to PR 25266 to rename PyAnextAwaitable_Type to _PyAnextAwaitable_Type, and to initialize the type at Python startup: can someone please have a look?
Date |
User |
Action |
Args |
2022-04-11 14:58:53 | admin | set | github: 76042 |
2021-04-07 22:59:05 | vstinner | set | nosy:
+ vstinner messages:
+ msg390495
2021-04-07 10:01:16 | vstinner | set | nosy:
- vstinner
2021-04-07 06:47:38 | Dennis Sweeney | set | nosy:
+ Dennis Sweeney messages:
+ msg390402
2021-03-24 01:43:07 | pablogsal | set | status: open -> closed resolution: fixed messages:
+ msg389427
stage: patch review -> resolved |
2021-03-24 01:42:29 | pablogsal | set | messages:
+ msg389426 |
2021-03-24 01:19:20 | pablogsal | set | stage: resolved -> patch review pull_requests:
+ pull_request23766 |
2021-03-24 01:04:38 | vstinner | set | status: closed -> open
+ vstinner messages:
+ msg389422
resolution: fixed -> (no value) |
2021-03-24 00:30:11 | pablogsal | set | messages:
+ msg389420 |
2021-03-23 23:57:13 | pablogsal | set | messages:
+ msg389417 |
2021-03-23 23:53:47 | pablogsal | set | pull_requests:
+ pull_request23763 |
2021-03-23 23:46:24 | pablogsal | set | nosy:
+ pablogsal
+ pull_request23762 |
2021-03-23 22:54:54 | gvanrossum | set | status: open -> closed resolution: fixed stage: patch review -> resolved |
2021-03-23 22:47:42 | gvanrossum | set | nosy:
+ gvanrossum messages:
+ msg389414
2021-03-17 23:57:27 | jack1142 | set | nosy:
+ jack1142
2020-12-20 19:12:44 | BTaskaya | set | nosy:
+ BTaskaya messages:
+ msg383441
2020-12-18 21:18:53 | jab | set | messages:
+ msg383327 title: add aiter() and anext() functions to operator module -> add aiter() and anext() functions |
2020-12-18 21:12:18 | jab | set | pull_requests:
+ pull_request22708 |
2020-11-25 14:18:09 | jab | set | messages:
+ msg381832 |
2020-11-05 12:03:22 | John Belmonte | set | nosy:
+ John Belmonte messages:
+ msg380408
2020-08-19 03:28:26 | Dima.Tisnek | set | messages:
+ msg375633 versions:
+ Python 3.10, - Python 3.8 |
2020-06-03 08:48:13 | Eric Wieser | set | nosy:
+ Eric Wieser
2020-05-08 16:10:47 | rb | set | nosy:
+ rb
2019-03-04 15:58:17 | giampaolo.rodola | set | nosy:
- giampaolo.rodola
2019-03-04 15:49:05 | jab | set | messages:
+ msg337135 |
2019-03-04 02:13:24 | Dima.Tisnek | set | nosy:
+ Dima.Tisnek
+ msg337061 versions:
+ Python 3.8, - Python 3.7 |
2018-08-24 16:30:52 | jab | set | messages:
+ msg324009 |
2018-08-24 15:52:29 | gvanrossum | set | nosy:
- gvanrossum
2018-08-24 11:18:08 | yselivanov | set | messages:
+ msg323997 |
2018-08-24 04:57:32 | jab | set | messages:
+ msg323989 title: aiter() and anext() built-in functions -> add aiter() and anext() functions to operator module |
2018-08-24 04:56:02 | jab | set | keywords:
+ patch stage: patch review pull_requests:
+ pull_request8368 |
2018-06-25 06:03:43 | giampaolo.rodola | set | nosy:
+ giampaolo.rodola
2018-06-24 19:39:27 | jab | set | nosy:
+ jab
2018-06-14 15:10:54 | yselivanov | set | messages:
+ msg319520 |
2018-06-14 14:51:41 | JelleZijlstra | set | nosy:
+ JelleZijlstra messages:
+ msg319519
2018-06-13 00:22:00 | jmehnle | set | nosy:
+ jmehnle
2017-10-27 09:52:53 | davide.rizzo | set | files:
+ msg305107 |
2017-10-24 16:25:26 | yselivanov | set | messages:
+ msg304926 |
2017-10-24 16:24:34 | gvanrossum | set | messages:
+ msg304924 |
2017-10-24 16:17:13 | yselivanov | set | messages:
+ msg304923 |
2017-10-24 16:10:26 | davide.rizzo | set | nosy:
+ gvanrossum, yselivanov
2017-10-24 13:26:15 | davide.rizzo | create | |