When a method is called with incorrect arguments (too many or too few, for instance), a TypeError is raised. The message in the TypeError generally of the form:
foo() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given
I think the message should include the class name along with the method name, so it would say `SomeClass.foo` instead of just `foo`. Since that is `SomeClass.foo`'s __qualname__, it should not be too hard to get the right name in most situations.
Here's an example showing how the current error messages can be ambiguous:
class A:
def foo(self, x):
class B:
def foo(self, x, y): # different method signature!
lst = [A(), B()]
for item in lst:
item.foo(1) # raises TypeError: foo() missing 1 required positional argument: 'y'"
for item in lst:
item.foo(1, 2) # raises "TypeError: foo() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given"
In neither loop is is clear which class's `foo` method is causing the exception (nor does the traceback help, since it only shows the `item.foo(...)` line). Of course, in this example it's easy to see the two classes have `foo` methods with different signatures, but if there were hundreds of objects in the list and they were instances of dozens of different classes it would be rather more annoying to figure out which class has the incorrect method signature.
I've looked through the code and the two exceptions above come from the `format_missing` and `too_many_positional` functions in Python/ceval.c . It's not obvious how to patch them to use `__qualname__` instead of `__name__`, since they are taking the name from a code object, rather than a function object or bound method object (and code objects don't have an equivalent to `__qualname__`, only `co_name` which is related to `__name__`).
Several other argument related TypeError exceptions are raised directly in _PyEval_EvalCodeWithName, which *does* have a `qualname` parameter, though the function doesn't use it for much. It's also where the other functions described above get called from, so it could probably pass the `qualname` along to them. Alas, it seems that in some common cases (such as calling a Python function with any kind of argument unpacking like `*foo` or `**foo`), the value of the `qualname` parameter is actually Null, so it may not be of much help.
A few extra TypeErrors related to function calls are raised directly in the gigantic `PyEval_EvalFrameEx` function. These seem to all use `PyEval_GetFuncName` to get the name, so perhaps we could modify its behavior to return the method's `__qualname__` rather than the `__name__`. (I have no idea what backwards compatibility issues this might cause. Perhaps a new function that returns the qualname would be better.)